BRIDGE Rule 1: All BRIDGE activities must be approved by the BRIDGE Partners.  Approval is obtained through the BRIDGE Portal. Therefore, BRIDGE implementers must request approval from the BRIDGE Secretariat for BRIDGE activities as soon as they can legitimately do so.

18 Nov

AEC/ECANZ Introduction to Electoral Administration workshop

18 November - 21 November


The Introduction to Electoral Administration workshop will run from Monday 18 to Thursday 21 November 2019 at the AEC training facility at Essendon Fields, Victoria. Participants for this workshop will include AEC staff, staff from state and territory electoral management bodies in Australia (members of the Electoral Council of Australia and New Zealand) and the PNG Electoral Commission.

Belinda Bennett, Erin Eames, Mark Skinner, Michael Miller
Australia, Melbourne (10 Global Ave, Essendon Fields)
Audience(s) for this workshop:
Electoral Management Body
Modules used at this workshop:
Introduction to Electoral Administration
Expected Outcomes:
Professional Development of Staff, To develop a support network for stakeholders in electoral processes