BRIDGE Rule 1: All BRIDGE activities must be approved by the BRIDGE Partners.  Approval is obtained through the BRIDGE Portal. Therefore, BRIDGE implementers must request approval from the BRIDGE Secretariat for BRIDGE activities as soon as they can legitimately do so.

6 Nov

North America, Ciudad de Mexico, 6-9 Nov 18, Post-electoral Period, INE, FEPADE, TEPJF, UNDP

6 November - 9 November


This workshop takes place in the post-electoral period in Mexico. Participants will discuss how citizen organizations responsible for non-partisan election observation can follow-up on electoral recommendations and how to advocate for electoral reform.

Alessandra Rossi, Gabriela Nones, Lluis Juan Rodriguez
mexico city
Audience(s) for this workshop:
Modules used at this workshop:
Expected Outcomes: